

Welcome to my blog. I document my journey through breast cancer. Hope you feel inspired!

Fighting Like a Girl: My Battle with Breast Cancer

Fighting Like a Girl: My Battle with Breast Cancer

Cecelia Townes, a fellow Howard Alum and all around Boss Babe is doing great things. She started her brand, GladiatHers, where the mission is to help women from all walks of life pursue their passions and purposes in spite of what the world throws at them. She is empowering women, invoking change and pointing out women's greatness! This week, she asked if I would be a guest writer on her site. Of course, I jumped at the opportunity! Please head over to GladiatHers and check it out!

Make sure you follow @GladiatHers on Instagram. She’s dropping lots of gems over there.

Great Egg-specations: My Journey with IVF Pt 1

Great Egg-specations: My Journey with IVF Pt 1

Losing Control

Losing Control